Today saw the publication of the 2023 Primary Accountability Guidance, which details how progress measures are calculated for the 2022/23 year 6 cohort. Unlike last year, when we (finally) saw the key stage 1 baseline transition from levels to new national curriculum assessments, this year sees very little change other than a reconfiguring of the lower prior attainment groups (PAGs) due to the arrival of the final pre-key stage standards.
In line with these changes, I have updated my VA calculator, which you are very welcome to download and use. It’s handy for unpicking and better understanding your school’s progress measures, breaking the data down into various pupil groups, comparing actual to ‘expected’ outcomes, and seeing the effect that certain pupil’s scores have on the overall result (note: you can remove pupils from the data by simply deleting their KS1 or KS2 results. The VA calculator will then recalculate the score and confidence interval).
Remember that these will be the last progress measures until 2026 due to current year 5 and 6 having no KS1 results (DfE have confirmed this).
You can download a copy of the VA Calculator here. Please download before attempting to enter any data. And feel free to share; I just ask that the notes tab is left intact so users are aware of the the source.
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