Primary accountability and VA Calculator 2021/22

The latest version of my VA calculator (suitable for use with 2021/22 data) can be downloaded here (it’s read only. Download and save a copy). Scroll to bottom of this post for more info. Please test and let me know if you find any errors. Also at the bottom of this post is a link to download an amended version, suitable for use with current Y6 data. Yes, I know it’s confusing but they keep changing everything.

Today saw the publication of the eagerly awaited primary accountability technical guidance, which provides details of how KS2 progress will be measured this year. Due to the pandemic, this is the first KS2 cohort to have progress measured from the ‘new’ KS1 assessments. As expected there are fewer prior attainment groups (19, down from 24 previously). The prior attainment groups are devised by assigning point scores to individual KS1 results, as follows:

  • PKF: 4 points
  • WTS: 6 points
  • EXS: 8 points
  • GDS: 10 points

Note that p-scales (still valid at KS1 in 2017/18) have the same point scores as 2019.

An average KS1 score for reading, writing and maths is then calculated. As in the previous methodology, maths is double-weighted to give it equal value to English. Whilst the 19 prior attainment groups have narrow KS1 point score ranges, a broader classification into low/middle/high prior attainment bands is given as:

  • Low prior attainment: <7
  • Middle prior attainment: 7-8
  • High prior attainment: >8

The general methodology for calculating VA remains the same: a pupil’s KS2 score is compared to the national average score for their prior attainment group. The following table provides the benchmark scores for each PAG.

As in previous years, extremely low negative scores are adjusted (see p33-38).

The other important (and predictable) piece of news is that the high score threshold remains at 110 (see p9).

See the VA calculator notes tab for more info and guidance on data entry. This tool is for analysis of 2021/22 progress data and won’t work for current Y6 pupils working below at KS1 due to the transition from interim to final pre-key stage standards and corresponding removal of P scales 5-8. I’ve created an amended version (i.e. guessed) for use with current year 6 (2022/23) pupils, which will recognise the new pre-key stage standards and generate prior attainment groups accordingly. Download it here.

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