New year, new direction

I’ve got a new job!

After much deliberation I have accepted a position with Equin Ltd, the lovely people behind Insight Tracking. I’ve got to know Sarah and Andrew (directors) very well over the last few years and it’s no secret that I am a big fan of their system, which I’ve recommended to many schools (not on a commission basis, I hasten to add; I just like their system because it’s neat and intuitive and it ticks all the boxes I outlined here).

The job is a great opportunity to be part of a growing company and it seems like a good fit considering the direction I want to go in. Sig+ will continue much the same as it is now: I’ll still be tweeting, blogging, speaking, ranting, visiting schools and running training courses. But I also want to make better use of technology – videos, podcasts, online training courses – to provide more efficient, cost-effective (and often free!) support for schools. Equin have the platform and expertise to make this to happen.

I’m also keen to help develop the Insight system, which is already highly customisable, very easy to use, and fits well with my philosophy on tracking.  I’m particularly excited about plan for ‘Insight Essentials’ – a stripped down version of Insight for schools that want an even more simplified approach. Sometimes less is more.

And then there’s Progress Bank, a system that will allow schools to upload, store and analyse standardised test scores from any provider, and will provide meaningful and familiar VA-style progress measures from any point to any point, in advance of statutory data. I’ve been talking about it for a year now; it’s time to make that happen.

So there you have it: all change but no change. I’ll still be here doing my thing but I’ll be doing other stuff as well, working with people who can make those things happen.

It’s exciting.

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3 thoughts on “New year, new direction

  1. David
    on September 3, 2018 at 3:38 pm

    Congratulations – looking forward to your next blog

  2. Female blogger
    on September 3, 2018 at 8:22 pm

    Congratulations and best of luck.

  3. James Pembroke
    on September 3, 2018 at 10:22 pm

    Many thanks

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